Monday, September 04, 2006

Mudjimba Hotspot on the way

Finially progress has been made to get the final Maroochy hotspot in place at the Mudjimba Caravan park. It was a case of asking the body corporate of the Santorini building very nicely if we could use their roof as a repeater point for our wider area wireless network.

This way we have managed to put 5 of the 6 sites on our own infrastructure. Only Coolum relies upon a third party DSL service that is currently running at 99.18% availability as opposed to the 99.99% average the others are getting.

I will focus on installing similar hotspots in Noosa and if applicable - Caloundra. That way will have key coverage in most areas along the coast. Who knows, I may target other parks in SE QLD.

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