Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Cheap SSL Certificates

I'm posting this here more for reference sake then for blatent advertising.

Certificates start from $32.00 AUD and are the real thing - a root signed (Equifax Secure Corp) 128bit certificate. I'm not sure if its an anomaly, but the certificates show up as 256bit under firefox, which makes sense since IE only handles up to 128bit, so maybe they are 256bit certs?

Validation is easy, automated phone and e-mail as specified in their FAQ. Payment is via PayPal or 2CO, I only used the PayPal method with a credit card.

The ordering process is a bit 'all over the place', but its streamlined and not difficult to grasp. If it worries you then you can get a FreeSSL certificate that lasts 30days and try it out - the process is identical minus the payment process. Plus when you update a FreeSSL certificate to a paid one, you get a few months bonus.

I didn't get paid to write this, I'm simply a happy customer.

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